In the News
The question of vitamin D
Saturday, January 17, 2009
Daily Gleaner – Fredericton,New Brunswick,Canada
To take or not to take – that is the question when it comes to vitamins. And the one everyone seems to be talking about these days is vitamin D. It has been reported to be effective in preventing things like osteoporosis and some kinds of cancer.… continue reading
Seasonal Variation in Blood Pressure and Outdoor Temperature
Saturday, January 17, 2009
A French study reported in the 12th January issue of Archives of Internal Medicine has found a strong correlation between blood pressure and outdoor temperature in a large sample of the elderly.(1) As a result, the investigators advise that, during periods of extreme temperatures, careful monitoring of blood pressure and antihypertensive treatment “could contribute to reducing the consequences of blood pressure variations in the elderly”.… continue reading
A question of dosage (and scientific integrity)
Saturday, January 17, 2009
Calcium + Vitamin D = placebo in preventing breast cancer (WHI) Clinical question Does calcium plus vitamin D prevent breast cancer in postmenopausal women? Bottom line Supplementation with calcium and vitamin D was no better than placebo in preventing breast cancer.… continue reading
Colon Cancer and Vitamin D
Friday, January 16, 2009
A vitamin found in milk, eggs, and fish could play a big role in preventing cancer. A new study in the journal Nutrition and Cancer finds that people who increase their intake of vitamin D might reduce their risk of colorectal cancer by as much as 30 percent.… continue reading
Decrease Depression with Vitamin D
Friday, January 16, 2009
A recent Dutch study of over 1200 adults indicated that those with clinical depression had 14% less vitamin D in their blood than did their non-depressed counterparts; and additional studies have identified a link between inadequate vitamin D and poor immune function, early onset age-related vision problems and bone loss.… continue reading