In the News

Grassrootshealth Launches D*action Community Project

Friday, November 28, 2008
Grassrootshealth Launches D*action Community Project to Solve Vitamin D Deficiency Crisis Serving as a model for public health action on vitamin D, GrassrootsHealth, an advocacy organization has launched the D*action Community Project, a consortium of scientists, institutions and individuals committed to solving the worldwide vitamin D deficiency crisis and will hold its first event, a seminar on vitamin D for health professionals at UC San Diego, December 2 from 8 a.m.… continue reading

More on vitamin D and brain disorders

Friday, November 28, 2008
Vitamin D research continues to amaze. The evidence mounts that vitamin D deficiency has a profound negative influence on the function of the brain. Previously, I wrote of the compelling evidence that autism is a vitamin D deficiency disease and also presented research indicative of a role of vitamin D in reducing depression, elevating mood and increasing happiness.… continue reading

Researcher looks to vitamin D in diabetes prevention

Thursday, November 27, 2008
By SIMON FULLER, SUN MEDIA When Bretton Tyler was two, he was given 12 hours to live or die. He lived, thanks to the intervention of doctors like the one he met yesterday. Tyler suffered for months with ear infections and an insatiable thirst, even gulping down his bath water.… continue reading

Vitamin D: best source is sunlight, treats radiation

Thursday, November 27, 2008
Mercola offers this article: He says that a study on people with repeated respiratory infections found that cod liver oil also contains vitamin A, and that vitamin D and A compete with each other metabolically, so if you have too much vitamin A in your vitamin D supplement, you are not getting as much use out of the D.… continue reading

Thinning Hair in Women: Warning Sign of Underlying Health Issues

Thursday, November 27, 2008
Hair is probably a woman’s most important feature. Signs of thinning hair can take the sail out of almost any woman’s day. It may seem vain to pay so much attention to hair, but signs of thinning hair are really the first signals of such conditions as hormonal imbalance, vitamin deficiency, excessive stress or poor nutrition, all symptoms of declining health status.… continue reading

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