In the News
Moles and melanoma risk similar worldwide
Friday, February 13, 2009
By David Douglas
NEW YORK (Reuters Health) – Although where one lives may influence the risk for skin cancer, people with a large number of moles seem to have a consistent risk regardless of their latitude of residence, researchers have found.… continue reading
Do vitamin pills really work?
Friday, February 13, 2009
By Lorelei Mason ONE News Health Correspondent, New Zealand
I know I run the risk of being shot down in flames by the health supplement industry, or conversely the conventional medical world, for what I am about to say. But I’ll put it out there for debate as it’s an argument that keeps raising its head again and again in study after study: Do vitamin pills really make you healthier?… continue reading
Savings on healthcare as easy as a stroll in the park
Monday, February 9, 2009
By Eugene Ortiz, Dallas
Bargain Hunting Examiner Dharma and I were taking breakfast on the back patio as we do every morning and the topic of discussion on the People’s Pharmacy was how so many people are deficient in Vitamin D (… continue reading
Darwin, DNA and destiny
Sunday, February 8, 2009
Thursday, Feb. 12, marks the 200th birthday of Charles Darwin, probably the most influential scientist in intellectual history. Darwin’s theory of evolution has been making trouble for a century and a half, and shows no sign of stopping any time soon.… continue reading
The great health debate: is sunshine a miracle cure?
Sunday, February 8, 2009
Robin McKie, science editor The Observer,
Our bodies make vitamin D when the sun shines, and new research suggests the positive effects on health are greater than we ever guessed. But too much sun causes skin cancer. It’s a dilemma provoking fierce discussion among scientists For any expectant mother, a brief stroll in the summer sunshine would seem a pleasant diversion from the rigours of pregnancy, a chance to relax in the warmth and to take in a little fresh air.… continue reading