Dr. Veith, a clinical biochemist at Mount Sinai Hospital, has been studying Vitamin D, known as “the sunshine vitamin,” for over 20 years.
This presentation describes the astonishing clinical discoveries being made concerning Vitamin D, and the vitamin’s importance for good health. Sunshine is a natural, effective provider of Vitamin D.
As a leading UK newspaper recently reported (Dec. 2010): “Experts have overturned decades of advice by urging people to go out in the midday sun without sunblock.”
(Source: telegraph.co.uk)
I made this video to explain why I sunbathe.
Rediscovery of the good, healing, life-saving sun. Maintaining a stable vitamin d level throughout the year. 50% of the world population is vitamin D deficient because of lack of sun exposure. ICP International Conference of Photobiology Dusseldorf, Germany June 2009.
An international consortium of vitamin D experts published a new call to action to address the worldwide vitamin D deficiency in the latest journal of Public Health Nutrition due to their observations that the recent IOM (Institute of Medicine) report was ‘deficient’.