The main financial sponsor of TEMIS was the French cosmetic giant L’Oréal. No, you might wonder, why of all companies did a cosmetic manufacturer pay millions of Euro to finance an organization warning about UV-radiation?
The answer is that this was meant to be an essential contribution to the “melanoma-marketing”, created by L’Oréal and its second largest owner, Nestlé, in order to sell more sun-protection cosmetics and medical skin care.
However, for that purpose, the project became a failure since it turned out that the ozone-layer was not really thinning, at least not where it matters. (The market for sun-protection cosmetics around the North and South Poles is not very big).
So L’Oréal left the project but TEMIS continued to issue daily measurements and reports on the level of UVB.
On November 2010, I wrote like this in a post on my blog
Although the purpose with the UV-reports from TEMIS is to support the sun-scare, they also turn out to be excellent tools for finding out where and when you can get UVB (and thus Vitamin D) from the natural sun.
And some months ago TEMIS started to do just that (see the image below and notice the title).
The map is of course identical to the “warning-map” for UVB.
Now, have a look at the image below that shows the statistic from IARC (the International Agency for Research on Cancer) (yes, the same organization under WHO that classified sunlight as a “carcinogenic to humans (Group 1)”), the mortality in all kinds of cancers in different countries in the world. Notice how clearly it shows that there are less cancer where there are most sunshine.
Of course, a friend of order will now say, “but this can’t be valid also for melanoma! Of course the mortality from malign melanoma will be higher where there is more sun.” So, let’s have a look at the image below. There you can see that the mortality-map from melanoma follows the same pattern as the one above for all cancers.
If this is not enough to convince you of that all the news about the horrors of sunlight are made up for a certain purpose (to sell more sun-protection cosmetics), here is a fresh headline (click on it to read the article …
Now, for most of us living in the northern hemisphere it is too late to get our daily dose of vitamin D from the natural sun (check with TEMIS or use the calculation described in this post). Fortunately there is another way, tanning-beds. Now, before you start to faint from fear, let me tell you a couple of facts:
- There is no difference between the UV-light from the sun and the UV-light from a tanning bed. UV-photons can’t be artificial even if their source is man-made.
- Even IARC has confirmed that “chronic” (i.e. regular) sun-exposure reduce the risk of melanoma (which fits well in with the images above).
- Statistically, the risk for skin-cancer increase from 0.002 to 0.003% only if you burn yourself 3 or more times (it doesn’t matter if it is in a tanning bed or outdoors).
The burning risk in a tanning bed is very easy to eliminate for a “vitamin D tanner”. You need only half of the time it would take for you to burn in a tanning bed with a reasonable amount of UVB in order to make a large enough amount of vitamin D.