In the News
Tan Politics
Tuesday, September 16, 2008
TODAY’S HEADLINE STORY: Palin has a tanning bed in her Alaska mansion, news agency confirms U.S. Vice Presidential candidate Sarah Palin had an indoor tanning bed installed in the Alaska governor’s mansion shortly after becoming that state’s governor in 2007, an on-line journal reported on Monday.… continue reading
Vitamin D Deficiency and Muscle Weakness
Monday, September 15, 2008
By Kevin Flatt
Very severe vitamin D deficiency leads to muscle weakness. But less was known about milder vitamin D deficiency and muscle weakness or risk of falling. Now, according to an analysis by ARS-funded scientists and their colleagues, older adults who get supplemental vitamin D in their diets are less likely to slip and fall down.… continue reading
PMS – Boosting Your Calcium and Vitamin D
Monday, September 15, 2008
Women who are careful about consuming adequate amounts of calcium and vitamin D in their diets to fend off osteoporosis experience an added benefit of fewer PMS symptoms! You read that right, making sure that you get plenty of vitamin D and calcium which are the primary building blocks for healthy bones, can also help alleviate the symptoms of premenstrual syndrome aka PMS.… continue reading
How scientists linked sunshine, diet and disease
Monday, September 15, 2008
Oliver Gillie
The evidence that points unerringly to a link between vitamin D and Scotland’s health statistics can be traced back to a journey undertaken in 1977 by two young Americans, Frank and Cedric Garland, who were studying cancer. They regularly drove their white Ford Mustang from San Diego, California, to Johns Hopkins Medical School on the east coast, noticing the dramatic change in weather from sunshine to snow.… continue reading
Low Vitamin D in Quebec Youth
Monday, September 8, 2008
By Mark, Sean Gray-Donald, Katherine; Delvin, Edgard E; O’Loughlin, Jennifer; Paradis, Gilles; Levy, Emile; Lambert, Marie
Adequate vitamin D status is important for bone growth and mineralization and has been implicated in the regulation of autoimmunity, metabolic function, and cancer prevention.… continue reading