In the News
Air pollution in the cities contributes to vitamin D deficiency
Thursday, October 9, 2008
Headline Story Air pollution may be a neglected risk factor for vitamin D deficiency, authors of a study published Wednesday in the Journal of Clinical Endrocrinology and Metobolism say. According to the Belgian research people living in urban areas — who are exposed to ground air pollution up to three times higher than rural residents — have more than twice the prevalence of vitamin D deficiency as their rural counterparts even if they are consuming the same amount of vitamin D through diet and supplements.… continue reading
Globe & Mail print the JCTA Statement
Wednesday, October 8, 2008
KELOWNA, BC, – Members of the Joint Canadian Tanning Association (JCTA) are saddened by the callous hit and run tactics used today by the Ontario branch of the Canadian Cancer Society to damage the tanning industry’s ongoing efforts to educate the public about tanning.… continue reading
Skin cancer may be caused by single gene
Wednesday, October 8, 2008
ISLAMABAD: A new medical study says a particular gene may play a major role in contracting skin cancer. Professor David Kelsell and other researchers at the London Queen Mary’s School of Medicine in London, used gene chip array technology to identify the key skin cancer gene, according to the online edition of BBC.… continue reading
Another influenza season
Wednesday, October 8, 2008
Another influenza season is beginning in the northern temperate zone, and our government’s Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) will strongly urge Americans to get a flu shot. Health officials will say that every winter 5–20 percent of the population catches the flu, 200,000 people are hospitalized, and 36,000 people will die from it.… continue reading
Vitamin D Linked to Genetic, Environmental Risk for MS
Wednesday, October 8, 2008
INTRODUCTION — Results from a new study unite the genetic and environmental risks of multiple sclerosis in a disease-specific and gene-environment interaction. Presenting at the American Neurological Association 133rd Annual Meeting, researchers described a link between vitamin D and the pathogenesis of MS.… continue reading