In the News
Vitamin D and pregnancy
Saturday, April 4, 2009… continue reading
Are they getting enough vitamin D?
Saturday, April 4, 2009
The Edmond Sun
Most people know how necessary drinking milk is to the health of infants and children, but a new report from the American Academy of Pediatrics indicates that it may be even more important than once thought. “Shortly after birth, infants need to get even more vitamin D in their diet than has been recommended in the past and that increase will remain important for good health all through childhood,” said LaDonna Dunlop, the Family and Consumer Sciences educator for the Oklahoma County OSU Cooperative Extension Service and a registered dietitian.… continue reading
Are they getting enough vitamin D?
Saturday, April 4, 2009
The Edmond Sun
Most people know how necessary drinking milk is to the health of infants and children, but a new report from the American Academy of Pediatrics indicates that it may be even more important than once thought. “Shortly after birth, infants need to get even more vitamin D in their diet than has been recommended in the past and that increase will remain important for good health all through childhood,” said LaDonna Dunlop, the Family and Consumer Sciences educator for the Oklahoma County OSU Cooperative Extension Service and a registered dietitian.… continue reading
Mr. Golden Sun, Please Shine Down on Me
Saturday, April 4, 2009
BLOOMINGTON, MINN. – During the early spring months, groups of spring-breakers flood tanning salons to prepare their “base-tan” before spending a week in the sun. The belief is that visiting a tanning salon for a few sessions provides a natural protection from sunburn while on vacation.… continue reading
Researchers who touted high vitamin D doses shut out of panel
Friday, April 3, 2009
Some of the most sensational health claims ever advanced about a nutrient have recently been made for vitamin D. Not having enough of the sunshine vitamin has been linked to a slew of chronic ailments, including cancer, heart disease and diabetes.… continue reading