In the News
Vitamin D may help prevent knee osteoarthritis
Monday, June 1, 2009
NEW YORK (Reuters) -– Low levels of vitamin D are associated with the loss of cartilage in the knee joint of older individuals, researchers in Australia report. “Cartilage loss is the hallmark of osteoarthritis,” Dr. Changhai Ding told Reuters Health. By the time patients reach the point of needing knee replacement, 60 percent of cartilage has been lost, he said.… continue reading
Your Health: Sunscreen isn’t just about SPF
Monday, June 1, 2009
By Kim Painter, USA TODAY
When you read a sunscreen label, don’t skip the fine print — and don’t forget to read between the lines. Consumers who want to save their skin this summer need to be vigilant, sun protection experts say, because confusing, sometimes misleading labels still line drugstore shelves nearly two years after the Food and Drug Administration proposed new labeling rules.… continue reading
UK scientists push for ‘bottled sunshine’ to fight cancer
Monday, June 1, 2009
By Jeremy Laurence
Vitamin D is made by the action of sunlight on the skin – however over exposure can cause skin cancer. Boosting levels of vitamin D could cut the incidence of breast cancer by a quarter, bowel cancer by a third and it should be offered to the population as part of a public health drive, UK scientists say.… continue reading
JCTA’s 2nd Annual Tan Awareness Week June 1st to the 8th
Friday, May 29, 2009
[b]Promote Vitamin D Testing for Public[/b] Joint Canadian Tanning Association urges Canadian Cancer Society KELOWNA, BC — June 1, 2009 — In support of the 2nd annual Tan Awareness Week June 1-8, the Joint Canadian Tanning Association (JCTA) is asking the Canadian Cancer Society to encourage Canadians to check their vitamin D blood levels, the same way it encourages skin cancer screening.… continue reading
Vitamin D3 for Children
Thursday, May 28, 2009
Children are thought to be particularly susceptible to Vitamin D deficiency with possible long-term consequences. Studies suggest that deficient males have a higher incidence of prostate cancer later in life(1,2) and children given Vitamin D supplements during infancy may have a dramatically lower incidence of diabetes(3).… continue reading