In the News
Depression & Vitamin D: The Emerging Link
Friday, June 4, 2010
Vitamin D has been linked to many health conditions before. A recent study links insufficient levels of the vitamin with the disabling condition depression
Wednesday, June 2, 2010
Did Melanoma Researchers ‘Reverse Engineer’ Their Findings?
Anti-Tanning Lobbying Group Downplayed Key Conflicting Information, According to The Sunbed Association
Anti-Tanning Lobbying Group Downplayed Key Conflicting Information, According to The Sunbed Association
A University of Minnesota, USA, advocacy group may have “reverse-engineered” a study to bolster its own pre-existing anti-indoor tanning crusade, failing to properly cite the significance of conflicting data within its own paper, downplaying and even suppressing confounding data that opposed its conclusions and failing to disclose the conflict-of-interest of its own anti-tanning advocacy efforts.
… continue readingPutting vitamin D to the test
Wednesday, June 2, 2010
Dr. JoAnn Manson, a Harvard Medical School professor, is principal investigator of the largest study to date of the possible health benefits of vitamin D and omega-3s, set to begin soon at Brigham and Women’s Hospital.… continue reading
Mother’s sun exposure may affect kids’ bone growth
Tuesday, June 1, 2010
NEW YORK (Reuters Health) – Women who get some sun during the last trimester of pregnancy may have children with stronger bones, a new study suggests.
The American Cancer Society – Hoarding Wealth, not Preventing Cancer
Tuesday, June 1, 2010
The American Cancer Society’s mission statement says it is dedicated to “preventing cancer and saving lives—through research education, advocacy, and service.” Yet what the Society seems to do best is accumulate wealth. According to James Bennett, a professor of economics at George Mason University who tracks charitable organizations, the American Cancer Society (ACS) held a fund balance of over $400 million with about $69 million worth of holdings in real estate, office buildings, and equipment in 1988.… continue reading