In the News
Tanning salons to face tougher rulesRegulations | People under 18 won’t be allowed to use salons
Wednesday, June 23, 2010
Hi Everyone, I need your help to respond to an article to show the government that there is 2 sides to a story. Right now the comment section is not on our side in the article. So I need the following comments to be sent in.… continue reading
Province sets tanning rules
Wednesday, June 23, 2010
FREDERICTON – The New Brunswick Department of Health is imposing strict new s for the tanning industry to follow, but they may become law if salon owners don’t follow the rules.
Gwyneth Paltrow has “seen the light.”
Tuesday, June 22, 2010
I’m a fan of Gwyneth Paltrow—a talented actress who performs well in any movie genre. She recently performed a great service by posting a “sunlight” article on her newsletter: In it, she related the fact that her tibia had been fractured, and that on having her vitamin D assessed, she was told that her levels were the lowest her doctors had ever seen.
… continue readingVitamin D Health: Why You Shouldn’t Shun the Sun
Tuesday, June 22, 2010
For the last 30 years or so, doctors (dermatologists in particular), health officials, beauty experts and many product companies have been demonizing the sun. They’ve told us to avoid it because without sunscreen, exposure to the sun’s rays will damage skin and cause cancer.
… continue readingSun Safety Tips: Beyond Sunscreens
Monday, June 21, 2010
Not all sunscreens get the job done. Some don’t protect your skin as the manufacturers claim they do, and some may even pose potential risk to your skin. Check various brands, and the ingredients listed therein.
The Environmental Working Group suggests on its website that consumers should try to buy sunscreens that include zinc, titanium dioxide, avobenzone or Mexoryl SX; by the same token, they suggest not purchasing those with ingredients like oxybenzone, vitamin A (retinyl palmitate) and added insect repellent.