In the News
‘The Big C’ turns the attention of people towards skin cancer diagnoses
Tuesday, August 17, 2010
‘The Big C’ is the new comedy-drama show which turns the attention of people towards a very serious topic, i.e. skin cancer
‘The Big C’, the TV show that premiers on Monday, is a program about the life of a woman who discovers that she has skin cancer.… continue reading
Policy changes needed to improve vitamin D status
Friday, August 13, 2010
Ontario Proposes Evidenced-Based Changes To Vitamin D Testing
Friday, August 13, 2010
McGuinty Government Moves Forward On Excellent Care for All Act
Ontario is listening to expert medical advice and proposing to curb unnecessary Vitamin D testing for otherwise healthy people.
Ontario cancels vitamin D testing for all
Friday, August 13, 2010
Ontario is bucking the vitamin D trend and will no longer pay for testing to determine whether patients are lacking in the supplement that is hailed by some as a powerful cancer fighter.
From fighting high blood pressure to protecting against colorectal cancer and boosting the body’s immune system, vitamin D has become the latest cure-all.… continue reading
The melanoma epidemic? Don’t panic… it’s all a terrible mistake
Thursday, August 12, 2010
Summer is a marvellous time. It’s when we can all enjoy light and warmth, eat gorgeous seasonal foods and get the chance to wear those colourful clothes we’ve collected during the rest of the year. And, of course, it’s also holiday time. |