In the News
Stow That Sunscreen: Vitamin D Deficiency Linked to Serious Illness
Thursday, September 2, 2010
Tanning salon for horses opens in Siberia
Thursday, September 2, 2010
Horse. © Medina/cc-by-nc-sa
An unusual tanning salon for horses has opened in the Altay region (southern Siberia).
Horses need vitamin D for healthy hair but the region doesn’t enjoy many sunny days.
The animals will be spending 10 minutes under fake sun wearing glasses and eating hay to stay calm.
… continue readingLow Vitamin D Linked to Heart Failure Deaths
Wednesday, September 1, 2010
Aug. 31, 2010 (Stockholm, Sweden) — Low vitamin D levels are associated with a higher risk of death and hospitalization in people with heart failure, researchers report.
Does Sun Exposure Cause Skin Cancer?
Wednesday, September 1, 2010
There are a lot of tales told about skin health. One of the most damaging is that sun exposure causes skin cancer. As you’ll see in a moment, this is simply not true.
Evidence suggests different path for MS
Tuesday, August 31, 2010
A lot has been written lately on Premier Brad Wall’s decision to invest in a controversial multiple sclerosis intervention from Italy that has no known benefit and a disproved theoretical basis.
Perhaps that is why he made the decision on a radio talk show without even consulting with his Health minister or any of the staff within the Ministry of Health.