In the News
Sunny ‘D’ Works Better, Holick Says
Wednesday, November 17, 2010
One of the world’s most-respected vitamin D researchers told the media this week that vitamin D derived from sun exposure to the skin works 40 percent more effectively than vitamin D derived from diet or supplements — proving beyond doubt that humans should be getting vitamin D from sunlight.… continue reading
6,000 IU of ‘D’ Daily: Grassroots Health
Tuesday, November 16, 2010
The world’s leading independent vitamin D advocacy group is reporting on its web site that 6,000 IU of vitamin D daily would be required to get 98 percent of the population up to vitamin D levels it now considers “sufficient” — a dosage that is 15 times higher than the current median recommendation and is only naturally consistent with getting regular sun exposure.
Middle class children suffering rickets
Monday, November 15, 2010
Middle class children in the south of England are suffering from the ’17th century disease’ rickets as parents cover them in sunscreen and limit time outside in the sunshine, a leading doctor has warned.
Free Educational Webinar Series for Tanning
Monday, November 15, 2010
Nina Neuschuetz, director of marketing at JK-North America, announces the creation of the Sun Academy webinar series. Designed for owners and managers of tanning businesses, these free webinars will help them get ready for the 2011 tanning season.
… continue readingBan Planned for Self-Service Solariums
Thursday, November 11, 2010
Plans are afoot to ban self-service tanning salons in Finland in the near future. Coin-operated solariums may become a thing of the past if Parliament approves amendments to the Radiation Act, reports the daily Turun Sanomat.
The government bill calls for at least one attendant to be present at indoor tanning salons to guide customers on sunbed use and inform them of the effects of ultraviolet radiation.
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