In the News
Tough Scenarios: Removing a Sunless Tan
Thursday, March 3, 2011
It’s a scenario we see all too often; a client gets a little overzealous with a self-tanner, goes for a “bargain” down the street or has airbrush buildup from previous sessions. As a result, we often hear the question we dread answering: “How do I remove a sunless tan?”
… continue readingMen Losing Stigma of Tanning
Tuesday, March 1, 2011
While male clients make up the minority of our industry’s customer base, recent trends suggest that men are caring more about their looks and getting that golden tan is one way they’re improving their appearance.
Study links vitamin D to lung cancer survival
Tuesday, March 1, 2011
U-M researchers find high levels of enzyme that blocks vitamin D can predict lung cancer survival
ANN ARBOR, Mich. — Recent research suggests vitamin D may be able to stop or prevent cancer. Now, a new study finds an enzyme that plays a role in metabolizing vitamin D can predict lung cancer survival.… continue readingBans Would Increase Home Unit Burns
Tuesday, March 1, 2011
The healing power of the sun
Monday, February 28, 2011
Before antibiotics, sunlight was used to speed up the healing of wounds because it is an efficient germ killer, writes Dr Marga Boyani
All nature including humanity is solar-powered. Deprived of sunlight, man loses physical vigour and strength. Take away sunlight and all life on earth would soon perish.… continue reading