In the News
Regulate tanning bed use, MPP urges
Thursday, March 24, 2011
France Gelinas and Martin Kabat have never met, but the Nickel Belt MPP and the CEO of the Canadian Cancer Society have one issue in common.
Both believe indoor tanning can be deadly, especially for youngsters, and should be banned for use by minors.… continue reading
AAP: Avoid Oxybenzone Sunscreens
Wednesday, March 23, 2011
Sunbathing ‘boosts men’s sex drive’
Wednesday, March 16, 2011
Move over Viagra, potions and oils, sunbathing is more than enough to boost men’s sex drive, says a study.
Researchers at the Medical University of Graz in Austria found that levels of testosterone, the male sex hormone, in men’s blood rise accordingly with doses of Vitamin D.… continue reading
Sunshine weekends and vitamin D may save you from melanoma
Wednesday, March 16, 2011
Sunlight, and plenty of it, may be the best method for reducing the risk of melanoma. An impressive piece of research on melanoma and sunlight appeared recently in the European Journal of Cancer.[1] Dr. Julia Newton Bishop and colleagues (thirteen scientists in all) researched sunlight exposure habits and compared those habits to the risk of melanoma in an English population.… continue reading
Derm’s Own Son ‘D’ Deficient: NBC Report
Wednesday, March 16, 2011