In the News
Saturday, June 4, 2011
When summer rolls around, everybody wants that perfect tan–but it’s important to play it smart. Here are some tips for safe, sensible tanning:
- Block out harmful UV rays with giant magnifying glass
- Always sit at least 100 yards from sun
- When applying sunscreen, get children on the beach to help with those hard-to-reach spots
- UV rays can damage the corneas; don’t forget to rub a good sunscreen into your eyes
- Risk of sunburn is especially high while swimming; strap on a thick lead suit before entering water
- Instead of using our sun, sunbathe using safer, more distant star like Beta-Sirius
- When tanning, always alternate who’s on top
- Avoid harmful UV rays; live underground until your descendants evolve into eyeless, albino mole people
- Before going outside, check sun’s strength by placing test baby in driveway for 1/2 hour
- Stabbings, while tanning or not, are very dangerous—avoid them
- For those raised in a red-sun environment, yellow sun may cause superpowers; use only for good
- Tanning is safest when done in short spurts; disrobe for just a couple of seconds every few blocks while walking through town
- Allow thick, protective melanoma to grow all over skin
- Avoid suntanning on inner planets like Mercury and Venus
- Coat body in “seagull-nip”; wait for protective coat of seagulls to cover body
B.C. considering banning teens from tanning beds
Saturday, June 4, 2011
VICTORIA — B.C. Health Minister Mike de Jong said the government is looking at a province-wide ban on people under 18 using indoor tanning beds.
Food insufficient for Canadian vitamin D intakes
Tuesday, May 31, 2011
Vitamin D fortified foods are not enough to ensure an adequate intake of the vitamin, and one-quarter of Canadians are not meeting the Recommended Dietary Allowance (RDA), says a new study.
… continue readingTanning Bed Use Restricted in Nova Scotia as of May 31st
Tuesday, May 31, 2011
The province is protecting young people from harmful UV ray exposure with legislation that comes into effect today, May 31.
The rise of ‘ethnic’ dermatology
Monday, May 30, 2011