In the News
California banishes tanning beds for under-18 kids
Tuesday, October 11, 2011
California Gov. Jerry Brown won praise Monday for banning under 18s from using tanning beds, the first U.S. state to do so, to protect minors from skin cancer.
Tanning Beds May Be Even Riskier
Friday, October 7, 2011
Indoor tanning beds may be even more likely
to cause skin cancer than previously
believed.… continue reading
JCTA President to headline closing Session at Smart Tan Downtown in Nashville
Friday, October 7, 2011
Long-time Smart Tan member Doug McNabb — whose tanning career spans three decades, the development of a successful tanning franchise, a key role in the formation of Canada’s tanning association and a landmark legal victory in a battle with the Canadian government — will headline the closing general session at Smart Tan Downtown Oct.
Cancer has no respect for party lines – Ontario
Friday, October 7, 2011
Canadian Cancer Society ready to work with minority government to implement cancer-fighting policies
TORONTO, Oct. 7, 2011 /CNW/ – The Canadian Cancer Society congratulates Premier McGuinty for his re-election to the Ontario Legislature and looks forward to the implementation of the election promises made that will prevent cancer and help people living with cancer.… continue reading
Study finds exercise boost vitamin D levels, reduces heart risk
Friday, October 7, 2011