In the News
Canadian Salon Gets TV Coverage
Thursday, December 1, 2011
An Ontario Santa Claus parade this year turned into positive publicity for indoor tanning, thanks to a parade float sponsored by an Ontario tanning franchisee.
… continue readingAnti-Aging: Take Natural Souce Vitamin D, Avoid Synthetic Vitamin D
Wednesday, November 30, 2011
Posted By : by Dr. Joseph Mercola
Drisdol and Calcitriol are synthetic forms of vitamin D2; the form of vitamin D typically prescribed by doctors. But this is not the type produced by your body in response to sun or safe tanning bed exposure.… continue reading
Drisdol and Calcitriol are synthetic forms of vitamin D2; the form of vitamin D typically prescribed by doctors. But this is not the type produced by your body in response to sun or safe tanning bed exposure.… continue reading
Vitamin D studied as flu-fighter
Monday, November 28, 2011
Elvira Cordileone
As fall marches into winter and hauls us deep into flu season, some experts suggest a big dose of Vitamin D could help sidestep that lurking virus.… continue reading
no vaccine at all, an analysis of 31 studies of the effectiveness of flu vaccines in the United States indicates the shots are not as effective as many in the public health…
You Can’t Overdose Sunny ‘D’
Friday, November 25, 2011
Vitamin D supplements — but not sunshine-induced vitamin D — led to unnaturally high vitamin D blood levels in a Utah study claiming that vitamin D blood levels over 100 ng/ml (250 mol/L) increase the risk of atrial fibrillation in the heart.
… continue readingQuote of the Week:Tans Are Not Damage, Derm Says
Friday, November 25, 2011
“A suntan is an evolutionary device, it protects against burning. A suntan is just a sign of increased pigment, melanin, in the skin and is a natural biological response to the sun, not a sign of skin damage.” — Dr. Sam Shuster, Emeritus Professor of Dermatology, Newcastle University.
… continue reading