In the News
Rhode Island’s Tanning Ban Could Backfire
Friday, March 16, 2012
Last week the Rhode Island Senate approved a measure banning the use of tanning salons for patrons under 18 years old. While I don’t dispute the health risks presented by tanning booths and beds, Rhode Island’s outright ban will not stop motivated teens from getting a tan and the alternate methods could result in greater damage.
… continue readingVitamin D Society Launches NEW Website
Thursday, March 15, 2012
Kelowna, BC (March 15, 2012) – The Vitamin D Society is happy to announce the launch of its upgraded and updated website,
With vitamin D research progressing faster than any field in medicine today, the new website provides users with up-to-date news, press releases, events, videos, books and reference material.… continue reading
Foundation to Fight Breast Cancer With Education Focused on Natural Prevention
Thursday, March 15, 2012
LANSING, MI, Mar 14, 2012 (MARKETWIRE via COMTEX) — Cutting a woman’s breast cancer risk in half and saving lives today is the focus of a new non-profit organization set up to focus educational efforts on under-appreciated natural prevention strategies, most notably correcting epidemic vitamin D deficiency.
… continue readingVitamin D Society Launches NEW Website
Tuesday, March 13, 2012
How much more does it cost the medical system to have doctors order vitamin D blood tests? Already, both Canada and Medicare have limited doctor’s ability to test for vitamin D deficiency because the tests cost too much. How much do they cost in the picture of total health care costs?
… continue readingVitamin D Boosts Lifespan
Thursday, March 8, 2012
A pair of studies released independently this week underscores the importance of vitamin D in keeping bones healthy and lengthening lifespan.
… continue reading