In the News
Uvalux to sell sunscreens to retail stores – Press Release
Friday, January 20, 2012
Australian Gold® and Uvalux are excited to announce the launch of Australian Gold® SPF products in major retailers across Canada!
“In the U.S., Caribbean and Latin America we have found great success in building a big brand name for Australian Gold® SPF” says Chris Shaffer, Director of International Sales for Australian Gold®.… continue reading
Nanaimo teen wants a tan-free grad ceremony
Thursday, January 19, 2012
A Nanaimo teen is encouraging seniors to go tan-free to their 2012 graduation ceremony.
Wellington Secondary school Grade 10 student Nikole Schluessel is organizing the Tan Free Grad campaign.
Cancer runs in her family and she learned from the Canadian Cancer Society about a link between ultraviolet light and skin cancer.
Top German court upholds sunbed ban for under-18s
Thursday, January 19, 2012
BERLIN — Germany’s highest court ruled Thursday that minors should be banned from visiting tanning studios due to health concerns, upholding a law that caused controversy in one of Europe’s top sunbed markets.
Tuna-eating teenagers less likely to suffer depression
Thursday, January 19, 2012
New research from the Children of the 90s study at the University of Bristol, which has been charting the health of 14,500 children since their birth in the early 1990s, shows that the link between low levels of vitamin D and depression is established in childhood and that ensuring children have a good intake of vitamin D could help reduce depression in adolescence and adulthood.
… continue readingEditorials: Tan Bans Are A Bad Idea
Wednesday, January 18, 2012
Newspaper editorial boards are starting to catch on that restricting teen-aged patrons from professional tanning salons should not be the government’s decision, but rather should be a parent’s decision.
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