In the News
Parents should improve their skills to avoid skin cancer in children
Tuesday, June 12, 2012
For several decades studies have suggested a strong link between the level of stress in a person’s life and its impact on immunity. The latest research strengthens those suspicions and points to a possible relationship between maltreatment in a young person’s life and skin cancer.… continue reading
Update on Teen Tanning Regulations in Canada
Monday, June 11, 2012
Tanning Regulations in Canada by Province
– Health Canada recommend no tanning under age 16
– Bezan private members bill – ban under 18 and new warning signs and labels, in process… continue reading
Patients told to spend more time in the sun
Sunday, June 10, 2012
Patients told to spend more time in the sun to reduce impact of DH advice on vitamin D supplements
By Madlen Davies | 08 Jun 2012
CCGs are advising patients to spend more time in the sun and buy supplements over the counter, in order to mitigate the ‘strong impact’ Government advice on prescribing vitamin D is having on budgets.
SunScare Week starts June 4th – CCS BC Press release
Monday, June 4, 2012
VANCOUVER, June 4, 2012 /CNW/
BC is one of the healthiest provinces in Canada – in part, because of our healthy choices and active lifestyles. However the 2012 Cancer Statistics confirm that melanoma skin cancer is on the rise in Canada.… continue reading
Sunscreen linked to painful gynaecological condition
Monday, June 4, 2012
Do you use sunscreen more frequently? Beware, as an ingredient used in the lotions can cause painful gynaecological condition called endometriosis, scientists say.… continue reading