In the News
Is Your Sunscreen Doing More Harm Than Good?
Friday, June 22, 2012
By Dr. Natasha Turner
I love the summertime—seriously: Who doesn’t look better with a healthy glow of sun-kissed color? Yet in light of the recent viral photo of a truck driver whose sun-exposed, window-side face showed severe wrinkling, it’s hard not to wonder whether we should head outdoors in a full bodysuit this summer.… continue reading
Task Force Draws Fire for ‘D’ Slight
Wednesday, June 20, 2012
Friday, June 15th, 2012
The first draft of a U.S. Preventative Service Task Force vitamin D recommendation is drawing heavy fire from the vitamin D research community for not admitting that mountains of evidence now connect vitamin D deficiency with higher risk of many cancers, autoimmune disorders as well as heart disease and bone and muscle weakness.… continue reading
The Garland brothers: Vitamin D and cancer
Wednesday, June 20, 2012
Posted on June 15, 2012 by John Cannell, MD
Scientists use cross-sectional studies and case-control studies to identify risk factors that may contribute to a disease, like smoking, low sunlight or low vitamin D. Cross-sectional studies are what they sound like: a cross-section of a population at a moment in time.… continue reading
Smoking Might Raise Your Odds for Skin Cancer
Tuesday, June 19, 2012
MONDAY, June 18 (HealthDay News) — Smoking has long been tied to a number of cancers, and now another tumor type, skin cancer, may join that list.… continue reading
Sun Exposure and Sun-Sensitive Skin Type Decreased Risk for Pancreatic Cancer
Tuesday, June 19, 2012
ScienceDaily (June 19, 2012)
High levels of ultraviolet radiation at an individual’s birth location, sun-sensitive skin type and a history of skin cancer each decreased risk for pancreatic cancer, according to study results presented at the American Association for Cancer Research’s Pancreatic Cancer: Progress and Challenges conference, held here June 18-21.… continue reading