In the News
Unlicensed tanning drugs increase risk of cancer
Tuesday, May 28, 2013
Unlicensed tanning jabs commonly used and sold in beauty salons or bought over the internet increase the risk of cancer, doctors have warned.
The Irish Medicines Board statement comes after a 33-year-old woman presented at St Vincent’s Hospital in Dublin with several irregular moles on her skin after receiving two injections of the so-called ‘Barbie Doll’ tanning drug, Melanotan, at a beautician’s.
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Giving Away Freebies? Make Sure It’s Worth It
Friday, May 24, 2013
Occasionally giving away free products or services can be a solid business strategy, but make sure you’re getting a return on your investment, the article “How to Give Away Freebies—and Not Bankrupt Your Business” explains. Offering freebies for contests, charities, press or special events can be beneficial, but first ask yourself these questions:
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Vitamin D prevents Breast Cancer
Tuesday, May 21, 2013
Therefore, people should stop viewing the sun as their enemy. They should instead embrace some of its good qualities and soak in some Vitamin D. By doing so, they will be able to keep breast cancer and several other diseases at bay.
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Vitamin D – The Sunshine Vitamin Most Indoor Workers Are Lacking
Friday, May 17, 2013
People who have outdoor jobs get less melanoma, the serious form of skin cancer, than indoor workers and people who spend their weekends outside get less melanoma than people who stay indoors. The sun, by providing vitamin D, actually protects us against melanoma skin cancer so long as we do not burn.
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How to stay safe while getting a great tan
Friday, May 17, 2013
“It’s possible to strike the balance between making enough vitamin D and not raising your risk of skin cancer,” she said. “The amount of time in the sun you need to make enough D is less than makes your skin redden.”
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