In the News
There’s a very simple solution to your lack of vitamin D
Thursday, July 4, 2013
Australia is facing an epidemic of vitamin D deficiency, with as much as a third of the population having less than recommended levels. Even people such as gardeners, who are outside all day but lathered in sunscreens and wearing long-sleeved shirts and broad hats have chronically low vitamin D3 levels. continue reading
Iowa View: You don’t need to shun the sun
Tuesday, July 2, 2013
The concern expressed by Mayo and other prestigious medical institutions must be heeded. But consider: Cancer kills one in four Americans, and skin cancer accounts for just 2.2 percent of cancer deaths. That means there’s more than a 99 percent chance that your eventual demise will be caused by something other than skin cancer. And sunshine phobia could help pave the way for a bunch of more deadly killers by denying your body of one of its most-needed nutrients: vitamin D. continue reading
Stalled bill to bar teens from tanning salons heightens cancer risk
Tuesday, July 2, 2013
But Steven Gilroy, executive director of the Joint Canadian Tanning Association, says people misunderstand the industry because of misconceptions and fear-mongering.
“Everything in life has a risk factor, and what you need to do is to mitigate that risk factor,” says Gilroy. “That’s why we have driving licences, that’s why we have boating licences, and that’s why we believe in industry-certified operators controlling the tanning equipment.”
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Many Sunless-only Clients Eventually Try UV Tanning
Thursday, June 27, 2013
Two-thirds of indoor tanning businesses say that at least some of their sunless-only customers eventually try UV tanning in their salon, a poll conducted this month found. continue reading
Food allergies linked to vitamin D deficiency, childhood survey finds
Monday, June 24, 2013
SUNSHINE could help prevent the food allergies afflicting one in seven Australian primary school kids, the nation's biggest childhood survey suggests. continue reading