In the News
Bluetooth Bracelet Monitors Sun Exposure to Save Your Skin
Monday, January 6, 2014
When you set up your June, the app asks you a series of questions about your hair and skin color to create a dermal profile that's based on the Fitzpatrick scale of UV resistance. You'll have to make sure to wear June each day, and the UV sensor will measure the amount of UVA and UVB exposure you get and store that information over time.
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the truth about sunscreen
Sunday, January 5, 2014
Interesting post by by lululemon, some mistake in the blog. JCTA comments on the article follow the blog continue reading
Increase The Value of Your Mailings – BIG Time
Friday, January 3, 2014
I want to share something very important with you. Something that could move your marketing in an entirely different direction. You see, every day I waltz out to the mailbox and sift through the handful of postcards waiting for me (the picture above is a just a small sample of ALL the postcards I receive).
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Studies of a skin color gene across global populations reveal shared origins
Friday, January 3, 2014
The differences in skin color affect skin cancer rates. Europeans have 10 to 20 times more instances of melanoma than Africans. However, despite also having lighter skin, East Asians have the same melanoma rates as Africans. The reason for this difference can only be explained after the gene mutations for both groups are found. This understanding could lead to better treatments for melanoma.
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An in depth look to effects of sunlight on skin, hair and health – the pros and cons
Tuesday, December 31, 2013
Doctors and medicine both agree that moderate sun exposure can heal a variety of health problems, particularly benefits to skin health.
JCTA Note: great review of the positives and negatives of Sunlight, which includes UV light continue reading