In the News
Top-20 Vitamin D Papers of 2013 Includes GRH
Thursday, January 23, 2014
Published research from GrassrootsHealth in the American Journal of Public Health was included in the 20 top vitamin D papers for 2013.
JCTA NOTE: Memberships help fund GRH Research continue reading
New Scots research into sunlight health risks
Wednesday, January 22, 2014
But now researchers at Aberdeen University are seeking to recruit 50 volunteers for a new study to discover whether vitamin D supplements and artificial UVB light, which will mimic the rays of sunlight, could be used to combat the possible health risks on the body’s immune system of not getting enough exposure to the sun.
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How Vitamin D Relaxes Blood Vessels
Saturday, January 18, 2014
Vitamin D regulates the elasticity of blood vessels and thus also affects blood pressure amplitude. ...UV-B radiation in sunlight is the most important factor for the production of vitamin D, and that is why many people suffer from low levels of vitamin D during the winter months. continue reading
Tiron: Anti-Oxidant Keeps Skin Younger and Protects Against Skin Damage, Study
Friday, January 17, 2014
Tiron provided 100 percent protection against against UVA radiation , whereas resveratrol and curcumin offered just 22 percent and 8 percent protection. continue reading
Ask the Expert: UV Light in Wintertime
Friday, January 17, 2014
Winter is here in the northern hemisphere. At many latitudes, all the UV that is present in the winter is UVA wavelength, not UVB. Remember, UVB rays are responsible for your body making vitamin D. So in the winter, it’s impossible to make much vitamin D if you’re living north of about 35 degrees latitude — and you still won’t produce much between 30 and 35 degrees latitude.
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