In the News
Rise In Skin Cancer May Be Linked To Cheap Vacation Packages
Thursday, April 9, 2015
New research suggests that an increased risk of malignant melanoma may be linked to cheap vacation packages. continue reading
Our Questions – Your Data GrassRootsHealth
Wednesday, April 8, 2015
This week we want to give you some insight on how GrassrootsHealth collects data through D*action, why we collect the data we do, and how it is used to help move research into practice. continue reading
Bodies Crave Vitamin D: Chicago Tribune Article
Wednesday, April 8, 2015
Sunscreen use and indoor lifestyles have led to widespread need for more vitamin D, several experts agree in a recent article in the Chicago Tribune. continue reading
More Controversy Regarding the Vitamin D RDA
Thursday, April 2, 2015
Recently there have been very negative articles in the Toronto Globe and Mail about vitamin D. They are, in part, a reaction to the ad campaign by Pure North S'Energy Foundation, .... continue reading
Smart Tan Nashville Registration Opens Today
Thursday, April 2, 2015
Registration is now open for Smart Tan Nashville — the world’s largest indoor tanning trade show and only full educational conference, Nov. 13-15 in Downtown Nashville. continue reading