In the News
T. GAMBLE: Screening out health reports
Tuesday, November 3, 2015
If I become the other one out of a hundred with cancer, then so be it. I will not go to the breakfast bar at Holiday Inn and eat a fruit bowl. I will take my shirt off at the beach and go where no man now dares to travel — into the water without a single drop of sun screen. The coral reef will thank me, Apple Paltrow will thank me, and my t-shirt will thank me. I will go to the breakfast buffet and eat enough bacon to immediately require an AED shock treatment. I will tan like George Hamilton. continue reading
Salon owner gets fifteen minutes of fame on A&E Shipping Wars
Friday, October 30, 2015
When purchasing a tanning bed, seems like such a simple operation, who knew that it would land a local business owner, a chance to appear and spotlight his business on national TV? continue reading
Vitamin D Day on Nov. 2 highlights world health problem
Thursday, October 29, 2015
TORONTO, Ont. (October 28, 2015) – As Canadians prepare to batten down the hatches for another cold, dark winter, The Vitamin D Society is shining a light on the dangerous health implications of getting too little vitamin D. continue reading
Role of sunlight in achieving vitamin D sufficiency
Wednesday, October 28, 2015
We know, from the 48 scientists who signed our call to action, that a vitamin D level of 40-60 ng/ml is recommended to prevent disease and improve general quality of life. Can we get to this vitamin D level from the sun? Is it safe? continue reading
The Future of UV
Wednesday, October 28, 2015
Holick’s presentation, “An Enlightening Perspective on the Future of UV,” is the most energetic talk about UV science you’ll ever attend and the one you need to see this year. continue reading