In the News
Lower Vitamin D Levels Predict Poor Survival Outcomes in Melanoma
Tuesday, March 22, 2016
In patients with melanoma, lower 25-hydroxyvitamin D (vitamin D) levels were associated with poorer survival outcomes, according to a prospective study. continue reading
Could the sun help us live to a ripe old age?
Tuesday, March 22, 2016
A little sunshine won’t just brighten up your day – it could also help you live longer.
Research shows that even with the increased risk of skin cancer, those who lap up the sun are less likely to die young than those who prefer to stay in the shade. continue reading
Editorial: An Epidemiologist’s Perspective – MS
Wednesday, March 16, 2016
When I was 10, I had a friend who was a terrific playmate and fellow canyon explorer. We'll call him Tom. He had a suspicious streak in him. He told me he thought that doctors knew how to prevent cancer and other diseases, but were not disclosing this to the public. I did not believe his ideas on this topic. I discounted Tom as a young fanatic, a conspiracy theorist. continue reading
Decoded: How much sun you need
Wednesday, March 16, 2016
Dr Chiranjiv Chhabra, leading dermatologist, Skin Alive Clinic explains, "We live in a modern world with hyped messages about how dangerous the sun is. We should remember that the ancient yogis and many other cultures knew how to use the sun to heal all kinds of illnesses, and bring about radiant health. We evolved as a human race for millions of years under the warmth and love of the sun. Sunlight in moderation does more good than harm. It is very important for good skin health also." continue reading
Putting Risk Into Perspective And Not Overreacting
Monday, March 14, 2016
As a scientist, and a cancer survivor, I don't react well to the notion of "Cancer" being invoked purely for sensationalistic purposes. continue reading