In the News
Kaiser Permanente is recommending sun!
Wednesday, March 30, 2016
Kaiser Permanente is the largest managed care organization in the US. continue reading
Combating Alzheimer’s Disease with Vitamin D
Tuesday, March 29, 2016
Spring is on the way and with it comes sunshine and vitamin D. While vitamin D generated by the sun, or gained through supplements, has several positive affects on the human body, it is becoming increasingly important for older adults and seniors to get their fill of the sunshine vitamin to help prevent disease. continue reading
Are the tide turning – check out this pamphlet
Friday, March 25, 2016
This is from one of the biggest healthcare organizations USA is advocating SUNSHINE!
Click on the links and check it out
sun kaiser1
sun kaiser 2
sun kaiser 3… continue reading
The Beginner’s Guide to Political Involvement
Wednesday, March 23, 2016
Political involvement can feel intimidating and overwhelming for the small business owner who is already wearing many hats. It’s tough to get out of the daily grind, but the value of protecting the bigger picture is another essential part of being among Canada’s backbone of entrepreneurs. continue reading
Washington’s Joke War On Tanning Salons Has Gone Too Far
Tuesday, March 22, 2016
During the debate over the Affordable Care Act, the Obama Administration and Democrats on Capitol Hill conspired to slip in a tax on tanning salons, widely derided as a useless gesture meant to poke fun at the perpetually-tan John Boehner, who at the time was Minority Leader of the House and the leader of the anti-Obamacare opposition on Capitol Hill. continue reading