In the News
Research shows sunlight avoidance could hurt health
Monday, October 31, 2016
Avoiding sunlight could have negative effects on health, research has shown, and experts argue that public education and policies need to better explain the benefits and risks of sun exposure. continue reading
Dr. Gifford-Jones: The Miracle Molecule NO
Monday, October 31, 2016
Bryan says that for 100 years researchers have known that nitroglycerine eased coronary pain by increasing blood supply to the heart’s muscle. But it was a mystery why arteries expanded to allow this flow. Now we know it is due to a molecule, nitric oxide (NO), which when produced, sends messages to coronary arteries and to every cell in the body in nanoseconds. continue reading
Vitamin D Day kicks off Vitamin D Awareness Month
Thursday, October 27, 2016
Take the Pledge for Vitamin D Day November 2
Be heard on Nov 2 by being part of Thunderclap for Vitamin D… continue reading
Top tips for avoiding a cold this autumn and winter
Wednesday, October 26, 2016
Vitamin D or 'the sunshine vitamin' is extremely important for strong immunity. Try to get at least 15 minutes of midday sunshine without sunscreen (longer exposure without protection could lead to sunburn and possibly skin cancer) continue reading
Management for Newbies: Four steps for making the right impression
Wednesday, October 26, 2016
You worked your way up through the ranks of your peers and continued to show initiative until your boss recognized the ambition gleaming in your eyes. Now you’re the manager. continue reading