In the News
ALIEN radiation – helps give YOU a tan
Thursday, August 11, 2016
ALIEN sunlight from beyond our galaxy is helping give beachgoers that tanned bronzed look, a new study found. JCTA NOTE: NOT Really, but a great story continue reading
Total Tan agrees not to misrepresent health risks of indoor tanning
Thursday, August 11, 2016
Brian Mahoney, an attorney representing Total Tan, issued a statement saying the company made no admission of wrongdoing as part of the settlement, will pay no fine or penalty, and "feels vindicated by this resolution." continue reading
Dr Robert Heaney dies August 6th, 2016, he will be missed.
Monday, August 8, 2016
Dr. Robert Heaney left us on August 6, 2016. He was a great supporter of Vitamin D and UV light. He did a number of Vitamin D Symposiums here Canada that were put on by the Vitamin D Society.
From Grassroots Health
Please take the time to read his own Final Words as reported in the Creighton Magazine. … continue reading
Scientists rehash evidence on sunscreen and skin cancer. NO Proof they work
Friday, August 5, 2016
There isn’t much evidence to conclusively prove that daily sunscreen use can prevent most skin cancers, a research review concludes. continue reading
Four Risky Myths About SPF
Tuesday, August 2, 2016
Is the SPF number one of the first things you look for on a sunscreen label? continue reading