In the News
Vitamin D level for Breastfeeding GRH Director’s Letter
Wednesday, August 24, 2016
This is a problem! Not enough D in breast milk, no supplementation, and no sun puts far too many babies at risk of vitamin D deficiency, and at increased risk of many future diseases that could be avoided. continue reading
Health group urges FDA to investigate sunscreen claims
Friday, August 19, 2016
“The current testing methodology prescribed by FDA does not address the increasing use of anti-inflammatories, antioxidants and other ingredients that may boost SPF readings and mask reddening, .... continue reading
Vitamin D and an Epidemic Truth or Myth
Thursday, August 18, 2016
Even when you ARE vitamin D-deficient, avoid chemical vitamin D but go for sunlight instead. continue reading
Study Suggests Sunlight, Not Vitamin D, Eases MS Symptoms
Wednesday, August 17, 2016
Sun exposure was significantly associated with less severe fatigue and depression in those with Multiple Sclerosis, while vitamin D levels were not significantly correlated with either symptom, in a study reported by the Vitamin D Council. continue reading
The Truth About Sun Exposure: Part 2
Monday, August 15, 2016
Many studies have shown that cancer-related death rates decline as you move toward lower latitudes. “As you head from north to south, you may find perhaps two or three extra deaths (per hundred thousand people} from skin cancer,” says Reinhold Vieth, a nutrition professor at the University of Toronto. “At the same time, though, you’ll find 30 or 40 fewer deaths for the other major cancers. continue reading