In the News
Saskatoon Voyeur who filmed women in tanning salons gets conditional sentence
Friday, November 11, 2016
Saskatoon Salons, be aware Harley Zane Irwin is back out on the streets and only got a 12-month conditional sentence. continue reading
Vitamin D Day success!
Thursday, November 10, 2016
Vitamin D Day success!
Once again, this year’s Vitamin D Day proved to be successful! People all over the world got involved (as evident by the Pledge Map on the Vitamin D Day website). The Vitamin D Council wants to thank all of you who took it upon themselves to go out into their community and spread the word on the importance of vitamin D.… continue readingMore Truth About Sun Exposure: Sunlight Institute
Wednesday, November 9, 2016
The idea that has become popularized during the past decade, that all benefits of sun exposure come from increased vitamin D production, is simply not true and can lead to the supplementation of vitamin D as a “cure” for diseases that may not be influenced by that hormone. continue reading
Numbers Don’t Lie: Capitalize on Rising Sunless Demand
Wednesday, November 9, 2016
As sunless sales continue to show no signs of slowing down, now is the time to establish yourself as the go-to spray tan provider in your market, before your competition grabs the reigns and you’re left playing catch-up. continue reading
Are sunscreens letting us down?
Friday, November 4, 2016
So why have we seen increases in the number of people with malignant melanoma, the most dangerous form of sun-induced skin cancer, following the introduction of sunscreens? JCTA NOTE: see response in comment section from JCTA Dxecutive Director continue reading