In the News
Are Americans Taking Too Much Vitamin D?
Thursday, June 29, 2017
This past week there were many articles in the news with titles such as More people than ever are taking way too much vitamin D or You Might Be Taking Way Too Much of This Important Supplement. There were many others that were similar since these types are articles are frequently reprints of the press release that is sent out via the researcher’s press agency, in this case, the University of Minnesota and lead researcher Mary Rooney. Are you concerned about taking too much vitamin D? Let’s think this through…
True or False?
Let’s play True or False with many of the alarming quotes from these sensational articles that were picked up by major media outlets last week. continue reading
Downside to all that sun protection? You’re not getting enough vitamin D
Wednesday, June 28, 2017
So what’s the health-conscious person to do? The key is to find a sunshine middle ground — not too much unprotected exposure, but just enough for the body to make some vitamin D. continue reading
‘Let office staff sunbathe to beat lack of vitamin D’
Thursday, June 22, 2017
They found that prevalence of vitamin D deficiency was highest among shift workers (80 per cent), followed by office workers (77 per cent) and healthcare students (72 per cent). continue reading
Why We Need to teach “Please Tan Responsibly” message
Wednesday, June 21, 2017
Man warns of dangers of sun exposure after getting 2nd-degree burns
Greg Binnie of Scotland warns others about the importance of sun protection after he is left with a dangerous sunburn.
WHO NEW Report on Sunbeds
Wednesday, June 21, 2017
WHO underscores national actions to limit the use of artificial tanning devices (sunbeds) in a bid to reduce the associated health risks, such as melanoma and non-melanoma skin cancers. continue reading