In the News
Sunlight Institute is responding to Articles
Wednesday, October 18, 2017
Sunlight Institute Responses on article about sunlight and bone disease continue reading
Rangers boss Pedro Caixinha believes SUNLIGHT and SUNBEDS
Monday, October 16, 2017
The Rangers boss has encouraged his squad to head abroad to warmer climes or use sunbeds whenever possible. Sir Alex Ferguson had tanning booths at Manchester United continue reading
Alberta to ban people from under 18 from using UV tanning beds on Jan. 1
Thursday, October 12, 2017
The government says youths under 18 will not be allowed to use ultraviolet tanning machines starting on Jan. 1. continue reading
Alberta Government Press Release on regulations and link to website
Wednesday, October 11, 2017
Dear Alberta Members,
Below is the press release out from the Alberta Government
Link to government website Included on the website is the downloadable version of the new signage. The room sign could have been worst. So far the regulations have not been uploaded to the site.… continue reading
Reduce the risk of breast-cancer with sunlight
Thursday, October 5, 2017
The conclusion of the research group: “A high dose of vitamin D via exposure to sunlight and nutrition is necessary in order to obtain a sufficient protective effect against breast cancer. continue reading