In the News
Is Your Salon Live?
Friday, December 8, 2017
Facebook Live has become a very popular feature for news outlets, celebrities, businesses and individuals alike. continue reading
Update from Alberta Health on new regulations
Friday, December 8, 2017
Information from the Alberta Government on new UV tanning regulations continue reading
Sunbeds, Lip Fillers And Lashes Millennials Prepare
Friday, December 8, 2017
Cardiff and Swansea like to have a healthy glow for their Christmas shindig, with 2 in 3 Welsh respondents planning to hit the sunbeds before the big night. 1 in 4 of those aged 22 - 25 across the UK are planning to book a tanning appointment. continue reading
Is there a link between alcohol and skin cancer?
Friday, December 8, 2017
One of the studies found that the risk of basal cell carcinoma increased by 7% and squamous cell carcinoma increased by 11% for every 10-gram increase in intake of alcohol in distilled spirit form (or one standard beer or small glass of wine) each day. continue reading
Increase Your Holiday Sales
Thursday, December 7, 2017
The holiday shopping season is stressful for everyone. Retailers are trying to drive traffic into their stores and satisfy hard-to-please shoppers, and customers are looking for the best deal and the perfect gift. Fortunately, all it takes is service and a little rebranding to put your salon in a winning position for the holidays. continue reading