In the News
London Ontario new bylaw for business-licensing
Friday, January 5, 2018
Existing business licences, which would normally have expired Dec. 31, have been extended until April 2, to give businesses time to adapt to the new bylaw, which takes full force April 3. continue reading
Sunlight Institute Respond for the week of Dec 24th to 30th
Tuesday, January 2, 2018
Sunlight Institute stand up for D and Sunlight continue reading
Actually, vitamin D is more effective than flu vaccine
Friday, December 29, 2017
And there is no mention of how high amounts of vitamin D work much better than the flu vaccine, ... continue reading
Sunlight Institute Responds
Thursday, December 28, 2017
Responses to sun articles 12/17/17—12/23/17
A great article! Did you also know that women who are sun seekers have only about 1/11 the risk of a hip fracture as sun avoiders? Sun exposure has many positive effects beyond vitamin D.… continue reading
Screaming and Shouting for CHANGE!
Thursday, December 28, 2017
Screaming and Shouting for CHANGE!
I started reading this article and thought to myself our industry has the same problems. I put some JCTA Notes in the article to let you know what the JCTA is doing to change the perceptions of UV and sunbeds.