In the News
Breast cancer risk 80% lower with vitamin D blood levels ≥60 vs <20 ng/ml
Friday, June 15, 2018
Results from a new study published by GrassrootsHealth in PLOS ONE with data from over 5000 women, aged 55 and older, from two randomized trials conducted at Creighton University and the GrassrootsHealth cohort show that there is indeed a way to actually do something about primary cancer prevention, not just detection once it already exists. continue reading
Ultraviolet light treatment could save NHS millions
Friday, June 15, 2018
The NHS could save millions of pounds by treating skin conditions with ultraviolet light rather than medicines, a major new Dundee University study has found. continue reading
Vitamin D Council Celebrates its 15th Year Anniversary
Thursday, June 14, 2018
To educate the lay public we built our website designed to be easy to use, technically friendly and interesting. Today our website has more than 20,000 pages. Dr, Cannell wrote more than 1400 blogs on such a wide variety of topics. continue reading
Sunlight Institute Responses to sun articles 6/4/18—6/10-18
Tuesday, June 12, 2018
Sunlight Institute Responses to sun articles 6/4/18—6/10-18
The sun is not the enemy; in fact, non-burning sun exposure is vital to human health. The research shows unequivocally that sun deprivation among children leads to myopia, rickets, and vitamin D deficiency.… continue reading
The Best Places to Get a Spray Tan Across Canada
Monday, June 11, 2018
Real talk: When it comes to summer skin, you’re either naturally #blessed with a bronzed glow or you have to layer on SPF 50+ every time you step outside to avoid burning to a crisp (*slowly raises hand*). If you don’t want to expose your presh flesh to the harsh UVA/UVB rays that do serious damage to your skin, but you still want to look like you just got back from a sunny vacation, you’re probably no stranger to spray tanning. continue reading