In the News
Healthy Living: Tips for healthy sun exposure
Monday, May 14, 2018
Before you run out and get this season’s stock of sunscreen, consider the following: Did you know that only about three per cent of cancers may be caused by sun overexposure and 97 per cent may be related to our under-exposure, which leads to a lack of vitamin D? continue reading
The One Summer Diet That Can Stop Skin Cancer
Friday, May 11, 2018
Does changing up your diet, change the risk of skin cancer. continue reading
Revealed: Why some people are more likely to get skin cancer
Friday, May 11, 2018
Researchers discovered 14 new genes and found people with European heritage will tan more darkly after sun exposure. continue reading
Skin Cancer vs. Sunscreen – The Dilemma
Thursday, May 10, 2018
As a health conscious individual or parent, all you hear from your doctor is – sunscreen, sunscreen, sunscreen! But is it that black or white? Will not using sunscreen shorten your lifespan or lengthen it? continue reading
Vitamin D Deficiency by Season
Wednesday, May 9, 2018
During the summertime, for example, there is a 70% decreased risk of vitamin D deficiency compared to the winter time. continue reading