In the News

Sun avoidance may be almost as hazardous to health as cigarette smoking

Monday, July 9, 2018

Sun avoidance may be almost as hazardous to health as cigarette smoking

JCTA NOTE: JCTA Members should be receiving their free copy as part of their membership by the end of the month
Available on Amazon, Embrace the Sun, by authors Marc B.
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Sunlight Does Not Cause Skin Cancer

Monday, July 9, 2018
What’s interesting is how many people never stop to think about how humans survived on this planet for thousands of years working outside for hours on end before the industrial era. There was no sunscreen. There was common sense and people were not getting skin cancer. continue reading

How just one hour in the sun can send your sex life off the scale

Thursday, July 5, 2018
Just an hour in the sun is enough to heat things up in the bedroom for men and women. continue reading

Hawaii bans sunscreens that harm coral reefs

Thursday, July 5, 2018
Hawaii Gov. David Ige on Tuesday signed the first bill in the country that will ban sunscreens containing chemicals harmful to coral reefs. continue reading

Sunlight Institute Responses to Sun Articles 6/25/18—7/1/18

Tuesday, July 3, 2018
Sunlight Institute Responses to Sun Articles 6/25/18—7/1/18 Beyond red-light therapy, sunbeds (tanning beds) have many other salubrious effects:
  • Sunbed use is associated with increased vitamin D levels.
  • Sunbed use is associated with stronger bones
  • Sunbed use can cure psoriasis and eczema and tanning beds are often recommended by dermatologists.
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Salon owners – it's time to join forces and make a mark in the tanning industry. To maintain and develop a prosperous indoor tanning industry in Canada by educating Canadians on how to maximize the benefits while minimizing the manageable risks of responsible UV exposure. We will pursue continuous improvement of the perception of tanning amongst Canadians through scientific facts and research that support indoor tanning as an intelligent, controlled choice for UV exposure.

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