In the News
How Sunlight Charges and Heals Your DNA
Wednesday, August 15, 2018
Not only that, by using UVB as a “transmission media” totally new DNA can be created in a seemingly magical way.
That’s why the claim that some minutes in sunshine or in a sunbed does “charge your batteries” is very correct. continue reading
Sunlight Institute responses to sun articles 8/6/18—8/12/18
Tuesday, August 14, 2018
Sunlight Institute responses to sun articles 8/6/18—8/12/18
What we really need is a sensor that tells us when we are not getting enough sun exposure! A 20 year Swedish study demonstrated that women who were always seeking the sun had half the risk of all-cause death, compared to women who stayed indoors.… continue reading
Study: Sunscreen products block the production of vitamin D by 99%
Saturday, August 11, 2018
“People are spending less time outside and, when they do go out, they’re typically wearing sunscreen, which essentially nullifies the body’s ability to produce vitamin D,” noted Kim Pfotenhauer, D.O., continue reading
Game Changer of the Year: Carole Baggerly
Thursday, August 9, 2018
Game Changer of the Year: Carole Baggerly
Sunlight Institute Responses to sun articles 7/30/18—8/6/18
Tuesday, August 7, 2018
Sunlight Institute Responses to sun articles 7/30/18—8/6/18
JCTA Note: only 2 article from Canada – Montreal and New Brunswick. If you see an article, let us know.
What a wonderful and insightful article. We have now been frightened away from the sun, the provider of all life.… continue reading