In the News
Sunlight Institute Responses to sun articles 11/26/18—12/2/2018
Tuesday, December 4, 2018
Sunlight Institute Responses to sun articles 11/26/18—12/2/2018
Vitamin D is not the major factor for fighting SAD. The real answer is sunlight, which causes a dramatic increase in serotonin, the same substance used in Prozac and some other antidepressants.… continue reading
The Greatest Public Health Mistake of the 20th Century
Friday, November 30, 2018
The recommendation to avoid sun exposure and always use sunblock when outdoors may be the greatest public health mistake of the 20th century continue reading
Sunlight Institute responses to sun articles 11/19/18—11/25/18
Tuesday, November 27, 2018
Sunlight Institute responses to sun articles 11/19/18—11/25/18
What we really need is a sensor that tells us when we are not getting enough sun exposure! A 20 year Swedish study demonstrated that women who were always seeking the sun had half the risk of all-cause death, compared to women who stayed indoors.… continue reading
Tanning Salon Sunbeds Improve Vitamin D Levels
Monday, November 26, 2018
Previous studies have shown that people using tanning salon sunbeds with UVB during winter, can reach physiological blood levels of vitamin D greater than 100 nmol/L. Kimball et al 4 in the following study found .... continue reading
Here comes the sun: Defending our summer rays
Friday, November 23, 2018
Because the message I've taken from all this doesn't seem that complicated. Know your skin. Get out in the sun, but respect it like the god it has often been perceived to be. Don't burn. WELL WORTH THE READ continue reading