In the News
Sunbed Users Tops in Vitamin D Levels
Thursday, November 15, 2018
Canada’s sun-deprived northerly latitudes mean 90 percent of Canadians will be vitamin D deficient in the winter. That’s why it’s not surprising that regular sunbed users have the highest vitamin D levels of any group in Canada. continue reading
Thursday, November 15, 2018
Vitamin D levels and sunshine are exceptionally important to human health, and therefore we should be aware of vitamin D science. continue reading
Lack Of Sun May Be As Bad As Smoking
Thursday, November 15, 2018
Karolinska Institutet researchers have concluded avoiding the sun is just as bad for a person as smoking, non-smokers who avoided the sun were found to have had similar life expectancy as smokers in the highest sun exposure group. continue reading
Higher Vitamin D Levels and Sun Exposure Prove Important for Disease Prevention
Thursday, November 15, 2018
New research for a wide variety of serious diseases confirms that Canadians need much higher vitamin D levels and UV sun exposure than previously thought. As part of November Vitamin D Awareness Month, ... continue reading
Sunlight Institute responses to sunlight articles 11/5/18—11/11/18
Tuesday, November 13, 2018
Sunlight Institute responses to sunlight articles 11/5/18—11/11/18
For goodness sake, be happy. If you want some vitamin D, just go to a good sunbed (tanning bed) and safely get a few minutes of UVB exposure. Or, you can buy a vitamin D sunlamp.… continue reading