In the News
Benefits of a daily dose of sunlight
Friday, November 22, 2019
GUEST COLUMN: Benefits of a daily dose of sunlight
[This the second of two columns on the benefits of sunlight.]
Most public health messages have focused on the hazards of too much sun exposure. But there is some sunny news about the sun.
Higher Vitamin D Levels and Sun Exposure Prove Important for Disease Prevention
Friday, November 22, 2019
Higher Vitamin D Levels and Sun Exposure Prove Important for Disease Prevention
Thursday, November 14th, 2019
TORONTO, Ont (November 7, 2018) – New research for a wide variety of serious diseases confirms that Canadians need much higher vitamin D levels and UV sun exposure than previously thought.
Men May Need More Vitamin D for a Better Chance of Conception
Friday, November 22, 2019
Sunlight Institute Responses to Sun Articles 11/10/19 to 11/17/19
Tuesday, November 19, 2019
Sunlight Institute Responses to Sun Articles 11/10/19 to 11/17/19
Being outdoors in sunlight is a great boon to health, whether one is gardening or participating in another activity. Here are some of the facts about the health benefits of regular, non-burning sun exposure:
- Seventy-five percent of melanomas occurs on areas of the body that are seldom or never exposed to sun.
Does vitamin D status have an effect on colds and the flu
Friday, November 15, 2019
Does vitamin D status have an effect on colds and the flu among GrassrootsHealth participants?