In the News
Watch Out! Too Much Vitamin D can be Toxic: The toxicity debate (Pt. 2)
Monday, June 8, 2020
Vitamin D toxicity is rare and usually caused by excessive vitamin D supplementation, which can lead to hypercalcemia (increased calcium in the blood), hyperphosphatemia (increased phosphate in the blood), and suppressed serum PTH concentrations. JCTA NOTE: You cannot go to Toxic levels when producing Vitamin D naturally from UVB exposure. Your body self-regulates. continue reading
City of Toronto advises personal service settings – to prepare for safe reopening
Saturday, June 6, 2020
Information on reopening Personal Services in Toronto. Still waiting on Province to lift the order. See futher information in Member Update continue reading
Vitamin D and Immunity: The Sunshine Vitamin
Friday, June 5, 2020
The recommendation is to expose at least 25% of bare skin (no sunscreens please) for at least 30 mins to the sun between 11-2 pm (JCTA added UV INdex above 3 and shadow shorter than you are) or longer for the morning sun for adequate exposure to UVB rays and production of Vitamin D. 3-4 times a week should suffice continue reading
Vitamin D is Fat Soluble: The storage debate
Thursday, June 4, 2020
I sunbathe with reckless abandon and I won’t say sorry to the Tanning Police, says Ulrika Jonsson
Wednesday, June 3, 2020
I sunbathe with reckless abandon and I won’t say sorry to the Tanning Police, says Ulrika Jonsson
THERE really have been very few blessings during this intense period of corona and lockdown.