In the News
What Causes the Variability in Vitamin D Levels and Response?
Wednesday, July 8, 2020
Co-nutrients are nutrients that work together for some process. If one co-nutrient is limited, either missing or not plentiful enough, then the process might also be limited. continue reading
London Middlesex Health Area Ontario Face coverings mandatory in personal care services Sarting July 20
Wednesday, July 8, 2020
The first order means all customers, vistors and workers in businesses such as hair salons, nail salons, barbershops, spas, tanning salons and tattoo parlours must wear a face covering. continue reading
Norwegian Researchers Investigating Whether Tanning and Vitamin D Affect COVID-19
Monday, July 6, 2020
140,000 Norwegians are participating in a comprehensive coronavirus study that includes questions about life in general and tanning in particular. continue reading
Benefits of sunlight exposure: why you should get outside in the sunshine this weekend
Monday, July 6, 2020
“Sunshine has been linked with reduced heart health risks – UVB is believed to lower blood pressure and thus reduce risk of heart disease,” she says. “This correlation is not entirely understood but is thought to be linked with an increased production of vitamin D3, nitric oxide, carbon monoxide, substance P and calcitonin, all of which are implicated in the softening and widening of blood vessels to help reduce blood pressure.” continue reading
Ontario Launches Online Training to Promote Safe Workplaces
Friday, July 3, 2020
As the province safely and gradually reopens, the Ontario government is investing $3 million to provide free online health and safety training for the first time. continue reading