In the News
Skin Cancer and Nutrition: Stop blaming the sun
Wednesday, June 30, 2021
In the rush by dermatologists and sunscreen companies to demonize sunlight exposure as the universal cause of skin cancers, there has been a total disregard for another factor that strongly protects against, or strongly promotes, skin damage: What we eat. Nutrition, according to whether it is healthful or noxious, can have either profoundly positive or negative influences on the skin. continue reading
Find a Reason for Customers to Walk Through Your Doors
Wednesday, June 30, 2021
Now is the time to find clever ways to bring them back. I recommend instead of trying to run sale after sale on your tanning services, that you acknowledge that your customers are tanning outdoors and find different ways for your customers to still need you. continue reading
Bill C-30 – Budget focused on jobs and growth receives Royal Assent
Wednesday, June 30, 2021
The extension of the Canada Emergency Wage Subsidy, the Canada Emergency Rent Subsidy, and Lockdown Support until September 25, 2021, to give businesses and workers certainty as the recovery takes hold. continue reading
Canada’s budget bill passes Senate, extending pandemic aid programs
Wednesday, June 30, 2021
Canada's Senate on Tuesday adopted Prime Minister Justin Trudeau's government's budget bill, the final step in extending COVID-19 supports through the summer and ahead of a likely election in the fall. continue reading
B.C. shifts to Step 3 of restart plan July 1st
Tuesday, June 29, 2021
With British Columbians achieving nearly 80% adult Dose 1 vaccine coverage and COVID-19 case counts continuing to decline, the Province is safely moving to Step 3 of its four-step restart plan on July 1, 2021. continue reading