In the News
Sunlight Institute Responses to Sun Articles 260
Tuesday, March 8, 2022
Sunlight Institute Responses to Sun Articles 260
Very nice article. You mentioned building stronger bones through exercise. Even better is time in the sun. Regular, non-burning sun exposure is essential. One often-overlooked study from Spain showed that women who were sunbathers or sun-seekers had only one-eleventh the risk of hip fracture as women who avoided the sunlight.… continue reading
Alberta – Providing relief for fuel and utility costs
Tuesday, March 8, 2022
Alberta’s government will stop the collection of the provincial fuel tax to offer Albertans relief from current high fuel prices. Currently, Albertans pay 13 cents per litre in fuel tax. This change will come into effect April 1. continue reading
UV→D NOW – Why a supplement does not replace sunlight!
Friday, March 4, 2022
When sunlight is unavailable or not strong enough, turn to surrogates such as sunbeds, phototherapy units or light boxes continue reading
Ontario Providing Support for Downtown Ottawa Businesses
Friday, March 4, 2022
Ontario Providing Support for Downtown Ottawa Businesses
Funding available for small businesses affected by weeks-long demonstrations
OTTAWA — The Ontario government is providing up to $11.5 million to local businesses in Ottawa impacted by the nearly four-week long occupation near Parliament Hill in January and February 2022.
Sunshine Vitamin ‘Promotes Healthy and Graceful Aging’
Wednesday, March 2, 2022
“When vitamin D levels are sufficient, though? The sunshine vitamin becomes a dynamic free-radical-fighting superhero among a team of antioxidant avengers.” continue reading